Thursday, July 25, 2013

Hobnail at Night

I didn't think I still had a jpg of this image....this was from a few years ago;  Hobnail at Night, oil on panel, 36x36 inches...I really struggled with this piece, as I wasn't as familiar with making a painting interesting with such little content.  When I was finished I was very unsure about it, and a little reluctant to even exhibit it, but I had a show coming up at the time and I needed it for that.  So it was "damn the torpedo's" and I brought it to the gallery and it was featured in my show.  When I saw it the night of the opening my fears were taken care of and it sold a few days later.  Last week, I knocked the lamp over and shattered the's the third time I've done that and although it's probably easy to replace, I'm done!

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